Channel: PLAYLIST Global
Category: Entertainment
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Description: That crazy bastard who's been stalking me 01:37 Bastards like these deserve ✂️✂️✂️ 04:50 Do you have to go say hi at times like these or not...? 08:57 Really... What's wrong with visiting an OBGYN...? 11:25 He's just like my boyfriend IRL;;;;; Campus sexual romance [Growing Season] Bumped Into an Estranged Friend at an OBGYN | Growing Season | EP.03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✨ Subscribe 'PLAYLIST Global' now! ↓ ☞ ✨ Facebook Page ☞ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe and be the first to meet PLAYLIST's newest series! 🔴Schedule __ 7PM Wed, Sat (KST, GMT +9) __ 7PM Thur, Sun (KST, GMT +9) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play your story, PLAYLIST #campus #sexual #romance